Hands Project


What do you think for an association of ideas?
– Friendship -> Handshake
– Help -> Give a hand
– Union-> Hand in Hand
– Communication-> A hand that writes
– Mystery-> Reading of the hand

And who knows what else. The list could be much longer.
Just serching “Mano” in Google Italy you can find more than 119 million terms. Much more than the word love!

What is this blog about?
Metaphorically speaking I could see it the story of one hand through the changes of its lines.
Yes, the lines change! Have you ever noticed it? It’s something that has always fascinated me. Many times I stop to fix my hands to see the differences on the lines and to understand how my choices have affected my destiny.
I am not an expert in palmistry, and I don’t have the intention to say what means that little sign that appears, disappears or that line that joins another. What is important for me is to see daily the lines of this hand that follows the dreams, passions and desires of myself.

Every day I will take a picture of the “hand of the day” for symbolizing a print on this journey called LIFE.

4 thoughts on “Hands Project

  1. >Ciao Ivana l'idea e' molto bella e penso di mandarti una foto della mia.Mi trovo in disaccordo su una cosa sola. 'Cercando mano su google si trovano piu' termini di amore'.La mano e' strettamente legata all'amore specialmente se sei single. Non peraltro io ho attribuito un nome alla mia; Federica (la mano amica) LOLLOLLOL

  2. >Ciao Carissimo, Grazie mille per il tuo commento. Inviami la foto della tua mano per metterla nell'album comune, nella speranza che Federica non sia troppo gelosa 😉

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