Hands Around the World Tour

I’ve booked my flight 2 days ago from Barcelona. I said to my boss that I needed some weeks off, and now I am in Munich, ready to starts my project “Hands around the world tour” that will lead me to America.

It all started Monday morning.
As usual I was preparing my breakfast but suddenly I stopped to read 2 postcards that were hanging on the fridge since months.
One postcard was from Mitch and the other from Matthew, 2 Americans guys, who stayed in my flat for a couple of days visiting my flatmate Austin. It was not the first time I saw these postcards, but that time was different. I thought that these Americans guys were really nice, with a very positiv attitude.

Subsequently I went into my room and my eyes stopped to another card I get from Kim, a lovely American girl that I met in China. She visited me in Barcelona and she stayed at my place for a couples of weeks. It was great to see her again after such a long time. When she left she wrote me a lovely card and everytime I read it I have a good feeling.

Once Simone said to me to pay always attention to the small details and to take them as a sign.
After reading these cards I wanted to see how the Americans live and I was curious to know from what they get their energy. I had the irresistible impulse to see with my eyes how America is!

I said to myself: let’s go!

The “Hands around the world” tour is just the idea that motivate me more to do this journey.
What is the meaning I want to give to it? What I am expecting?
The handshake is usually the first contact we have by meeting new people. I hope to shake hands with many other people to understand their world and to understand mine as well.

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